Previous Topic: Macros

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Macro Types

Each of the following macros has a specific type that describes its use:


Executes some type of action, such as increasing the priority on an issue.

Attach Event

Attaches an Event object to a Change, Issue, Request, Contact, or Configuration Item.


Evaluates some true or false conditionals.

Execute an CA IT PAM Action

Executes a CA IT PAM action. CA IT PAM is a workflow engine that enables managing and reporting on groups of tasks that can require electronic approvals.

Execute a CA Workflow Action

Executes a CA Workflow action. CA Workflow lets you manage workflow processes in your environment, such as tracking activities that are completed on tickets associated with a specific category or area.

Remote Reference

Launches an external program on the server.

Multiple Notification

Sends a notification to one or more contacts. This macro type is especially useful, because you can specify the message, the recipients, and the urgency level.

Site-Defined Condition

Creates events based on true or false conditionals, based on attributes of the ticket to enforce service levels. For example, you can create a Condition macro that evaluates to true if a Request is priority 1 and is not yet assigned. You can attach the condition to an Event that executes soon after a request is created.