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Locations identify a specific physical place and let you track and administer areas that concern your enterprise, such as the address of a particular company, an office address city, a campus, a building, or even a floor of a building.

Locations are the only objects with which you can associate a physical address—all other objects, such as organizations, configuration items, and contacts, derive their addresses from their associated locations.

You should define locations before organizations; this sequence lets you use the new location in the organization.

You can use locations to assign requests automatically. To enable automatic assignment based on location, assign locations to request areas and groups. The request area locations match a request to a location based on the location of the request’s configuration item or affected end user. The group locations are then used to select a group that is eligible for automatic assignment of requests in that location.

Note: On the Administration tab, tickets are referred to as request/incident/problem areas. For brevity, they are referred to here as request areas.