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Show Import Settings

To show import settings, create a Knowledge Export/Import Template (KEIT).

The Import Settings tab appears and contains the following fields:

Error Threshold (%)

Stops the import process (sets the status to Failed) if the percent of errors exceeds the specified number.

Override published documents

Allows imported documents to override published documents of the destination server.

Override documents in all non-published statuses

Allows imported documents to override non-published documents of the destination server.

Use default values when overriding documents

Uses default values on overridden documents for defined fields.

Index documents immediately

Indexes the document after the import process.


Select Draft, Published or Retired.


Sets the priority level of the import settings.


Selects one of the following default templates:


Allows you to set the owner by opening the Contact Search page.


Allows you to set the author by opening the Contact Search page.

Subject Expert

Allows you to set the subject expert by opening the Contact Search page.


Allows you to set the assignee by opening the Contact Search page.

Expiration date

Opens the date helper.

Review Date

Opens the date helper.

Product ID

Allows you to set the product ID by opening the Product Search page.


Opens the Configuration Item Search page.

Root Cause

Opens the Root Cause Search page.

Service Desk Priority

Sets the Service Desk priority of the import settings.


Sets the severity level of the import settings.


Sets the impact level of the import settings.


Sets the urgency level of the import settings.