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Access Export/Import

The Knowledge Export/Import tool migrates and synchronizes data between different Knowledge Management systems and enables export/import of Knowledge Documents. Use this tool to define export/import transactions.

Note: If multi-tenancy is installed, all tenanted and public categories that were imported from a previous system display as public in the new multi-tenancy system, but imported documents can be tenant-specific.

To access the KEIT page, browse to Knowledge, Documents, Export/Import on the Administration tab.

The Export/Import appears and contains the following elements:

Export Transactions

Displays a list of exports.

Export/Import Templates

Displays a list of templates that you can edit.


Displays a list of packages available for import.

Import Transactions

Displays a list of imports.

Note: When importing or exporting knowledge from the web interface, Knowledge Management uses the default Command Line Utility Role, and not the current role the user is logged into CA SDM. The default Command Line Utility Role is set on the access type for the user.