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View Export/Import Templates

The Knowledge Export/Import Tool (KEIT) templates are used to define export/import transactions.

Note: The default export/import template is named All-Docs and does not contain the STATUS_ID field. This template creates the data.xml file and imports documents with a draft status. If you manually add the STATUS_ID field to the All-Docs template before the export operation, the original document status is preserved upon importation.

To view Knowledge Export/Import templates

  1. Click the Administration tab.

    The Administration console appears.

  2. Click Knowledge, Documents.

    Click Export/Import, Export/Import Templates.

    The Knowledge Export/Import Templates List appears.

  3. Click a template in the Name column.

    The KEIT template opens.

Note: You can export list results to Excel for use outside of CA SDM by clicking the Export button on the List page.