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How to Modify the System Environment

CA SDM uses environment variables specified in the environment template file (NX.env.tpl) to determine certain behaviors. You can use environment variables to modify some system behaviors. You typically use the Options Manager to control system behavior, but at times CA Technical Support instructs you to modify a particular environment variable directly.

Consider the following when editing the environment template file:

Important! Modify the template file (NX.env.tpl) and allow the configuration process to apply the changes to the environment file. Never modify the environment file (NX.env) directly, including on your client or secondary server installations.

To modify environment template file

  1. Back up of the environment template file (.tpl) that corresponds to your system environment:
  2. Edit the environment template file on the primary server. You can view and modify this file using any text editor (Windows users use WordPad).
  3. Make the changes as instructed by your support technician, and save the changes.
  4. Run the configuration utility on your primary server installation to apply the changes you made to the environment template file to the actual environment file.

    Note: For information about how to run the configuration utility, see the Implementation Guide.

  5. Stop and restart the CA SDM primary server for the changes made to the environment file to take effect. To avoid shutting down your system, your support technician can instruct you to stop and restart only certain processes rather than recycling your entire CA SDM server.