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How Notification Phrases Appear in a Message Example

This example demonstrates how notification phrases appear in a notification message. The example uses the following codes and phrases:




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The following message template includes the notification phrases:

@{call_req_id.type.sym} @{call_req_id.ref_num} Closed.
Assigned to: @{call_req_id.assignee.combo_name}
Customer: @{call_req_id.customer.combo_name}
Description: @{call_req_id.description}



The phrases appear in a message as follows:

Incident 1234 Closed.
Assigned to: Analyst, Joe
Customer: Doe, John
Description: This is a description of my problem

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In order to add a comment to your Incident, just reply to this email or include the line below (on a line by itself).

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