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Notification Codes and Phrases

Notification phrases let you add a standardized piece of information or text to a number of different notification messages, without having to enter and maintain the text or formulae separately in each notification template. For example:

Reply to this notification to add additional information to the ticket

Phrases standardize text for use in multiple message templates. For example, you can maintain a common phrase such as a confidential notice in a single record and use it in multiple message templates. Notification phrases are also useful for message replies, such as a Reply Notice, or a web URL link. CA SDM provides phrases and you can create your own phrases. You can set a phrase as active or inactive for use in a message template globally. (Notification phrases are inactive by default.) When a phrase is inactive, the phrase is suppressed in all message templates that use the phrase.

Notification phrases can also be used in the automatic responses to incoming email messages. The processing context for this type of message is different; omit the prefix (change_id., issue_id., call_req_id.) used in certain macros such as ref_num and web_url for phrases that the message uses. As a result, you cannot share notification phrases between notification templates and email automatic responses.

For example, some of the phrases that CA SDM provides are as follows:




Notify History - Change


Click the following URL to view the Notification List:


Notify History - Issue


Click the following URL to view the Notification List:


Notify History - Request/Incident/Problem


Click the following URL to view the Notification List:


Example: New Phrases

The following phrases are examples of phrases that you can create:




Notify Confidential


This email and any files transmitted with it are for the sole use of the intended recipient(s) and contain information that may be privileged and confidential. Any unauthorized review, use, disclosure or distribution is prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient of this email, please delete this email and any files transmitted with it and notify the sender immediately.

Notify Incident Reply


To add a comment to your Incident, just reply to this email or include the line below (on a line by itself).


Notify Incident URL


Click the following URL to view:


Note: Use separate phrases for the plain-text and HTML versions of message templates or email auto-replies. HTML consolidates most whitespace into single spaces, so line- or paragraph-breaks must be specified with tags. HTML tags included in plain-text versions of messages are displayed rather than processed.