Previous Topic: Tenant Hierarchies

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Create a Subtenant

Subtenancy allows you to build and modify tenant hierarchies for organizational and data-sharing purposes. To place a tenant into a tenant hierarchy, you assign it a parent tenant.

To create a subtenant

  1. On the Administration tab, select Security and Role Management, Tenants.

    The Tenant List appears.

    Note: The Security and Role Management, Tenants option is available only when multi-tenancy is enabled.

  2. Click an existing tenant to Edit, or click Create New.

    The Tenant Detail page appears. Enter any required data or changes.

  3. Select a Parent Tenant.

    Note: The Parent Tenant drop-down only displays tenants that are allowed to have subtenants.

  4. Click Save.

    The tenant is a subtenant of the parent tenant.

    Note: When a tenant is a subtenant, it belongs to the Subtenant group of the parent tenant, as do the subtenants (if any) of that subtenant, and so on. The parent tenant joins the Supertenant group of the subtenant, as do the supertenants (if any) of that supertenant, and so on. Each joins the Related Tenants group of the other.