Previous Topic: Recommended Documents

Next Topic: Condition Type Field

Create Recommended Documents

Administrators can create recommended documents that users can find when they specify criteria about an item of interest.

Note: If multi-tenancy is installed, select the appropriate tenant from the drop-down list. The public (shared) option creates the object for all tenants.

To create a recommended document

  1. On the Administration tab, browse to Knowledge, Search, Recommended Documents.

    The Recommended Documents List appears.

  2. Click Create New.

    The Create New Recommended Documents page appears.

  3. Complete the following fields as appropriate.
    Knowledge Document

    Specifies a knowledge document or click the search icon to open the Knowledge Document Search page.

    Condition Type

    Specifies a condition type by which the search engine sorts and matches the document.

    • If the condition type is Full Match, Exact Phrase, or Keywords, a text field appears. You can enter a phrase or keyword that identifies the concept you want for the document to contain.
    • If the condition type is Knowledge Category, the Knowledge Category link appears. You can specify a knowledge category to associate with this document.

    Defines the status of this record as active or inactive.

    Click Save.

    The new recommended document is saved to the knowledge base and appears on the Recommended Documents List page.