Previous Topic: How to Set Up Automated Policies

Next Topic: Edit an Automated Policy

Create an Automated Policy

You can create an automated policy that activates when an action occurs, such as when a document is published or retired from the knowledge base.

Note: If multi-tenancy is installed, select the appropriate tenant from the drop-down list. The public (shared) option creates the object for all tenants.

To create an automated policy

  1. On the Administration tab, browse to Knowledge, Automated Policies, Policies.

    The Create New Automated Policy page appears.

  2. Enter a name and description for the policy in the appropriate fields.
  3. Enter a stored query name or select one using the search icon.
  4. Click Add Action.

    The Macro List page appears.

  5. On the Macro List page, select one of the predefined action macros, or define your own (click Create New).

    The action macro appears in the Action Information list on the Create New Automated Policy page.

    Note: You can delete an action macro: right-click the name and select Delete from the shortcut menu.

  6. Click Save.

    The new policy appears in the Automated Policy list.

  7. (Optional) Right-click the title to edit a policy.

    The selected policy appears in the Policy Update page and you can edit it.