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Branding Administration

You can customize the header and footer of end-user facing pages, such as self-serve. You can change HTML code of the header and footer and also modify the location of the CSS file that contains the style definitions.

You can view a list of branding records, one for each tenant at maximum. Tenants can create their own branding, or if branding is not defined for the tenant, they use the default system settings. You can also enable localization of branding and view a list of all localized brandings for enabled localizations.

Important! Branding customizations from CA Support Automation r6.0 SR1 eFix5 do not migrate to CA SDM Release 12.7 automatically. We recommend that you review the customized branding to verify that it corresponds to the CA SDM branding. If necessary, copy and paste the Header, Footer, and CSS URL data of each division to the corresponding tenant (or public) in CA SDM to migrate the branding data.