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Add Object Managers

You can add object managers to the Object Manager submenu.

To add object managers

  1. From the Object Manager submenu, select a, and press Enter.

    A prompt requests the host name.

  2. Press Enter to select the default value of Primary or enter a value for the host name of the secondary server.

    Note: Host names of all secondary servers are case sensitive and are the value of NX_LOCAL_HOST in the NX.env file on the secondary server.

  3. Press Enter.

    A prompt requests the Group.

  4. Press Enter to accept the default value of None or enter a group name, and press Enter.

    A prompt requests the Accept Mask.

    Note: An Accept Mask is a filter which restricts object manager communication to only those processes with a name that matches the accept mask.

  5. Press Enter to accept the default value of no accept or enter the accept mask string you want to use.

    A prompt requests the scoreboard Display Name value.

  6. Press Enter to accept the default or enter a Display Name value, and then press Enter.

    The Object Manager submenu appears and the newly added object manager is listed.