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How to Implement Automated Tasks

You can use automated tasks to assist end users in your support environment. Automated tasks complete specific actions on the end-user computer, without the need for the analyst or end user to complete the process. These scripts can help you gather telemetry information, diagnose computer problems, and implement resolutions.

To implement automated tasks, do the following:

  1. Identify opportunities for support automation.

    You identify common problems that end users encounter, and decide that you can automate some solutions to reduce your support costs.

  2. Research automation of the potential solutions.

    You research resolutions to common problems and gather data about diagnostic processes you plan to use.

  3. Design tasks to automate end-user support.

    You design the end-user experience you want for each task with the Automated Task Editor.

  4. Implement and test the automated tasks.

    You test the automated tasks to verify that they resolve common problems encountered in your support environment and help reduce support costs.

  5. Deploy and monitor the automated tasks.

    You deploy the automated tasks to end users in your environment by allowing analysts to use them in assistance sessions, or you can attach scripts to knowledge documents.

    Important! If you are in a multi-tenancy environment and want to allow analysts to upload task and library content, their role must have the Update Public option enabled.

Note: CA Technologies can provide training in the creation of automated tasks and components, such as automated task step templates and libraries, which you can use in your environment. For more information about developing automated tasks, contact CA Technologies Services.