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Advanced Views

The advanced views are based on CA SDM's audit_log table.

Note: You must install the audit_ins and /or the audit_upd options in the Options Manager and restart the system before using these views.

Using the advanced views, you can report on the duration of a ticket (that is, request, change order, or issue) in a particular state. For example, you can report on the following:

The following advanced views are provided, which are views of the audit_log table in the CA SDM database that specifically query for the status, priority, group, or assignee attributes:

View Name



All tickets sorted by the time in each status (does not include tickets that have no status)


All tickets sorted by the time in each priority


All tickets sorted by the time in each group assignment (does not include tickets that have no group)


All tickets sorted by the time in each individual assignment (does not include tickets that have no assignee)

Important! You must install audit logging options using the Options Manager, to view data in the advanced views. The descriptions for the Audit Options audit_ins and audit_upd in the Online Help provide more information.

More information:

Options Manager Usage