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pdm_userload--Add, Update, and Delete Database Records

The pdm_userload utility updates a CA SDM database using an input file you specify.

Important! You should always backup your database before you perform a pdm_userload.

Whenever you upload tickets (such as issues or requests), your ticket number should include a unique prefix or suffix in its string. CA SDM views this number as a string of characters not as a sequential number, and thus, cannot guarantee that it will assign a unique number to the uploaded tickets. As long as you assign a unique prefix or suffix using awk or another text processor, however, you can upload tickets without CA SDM writing over previously assigned numbers.


This command has the following format:

pdm_userload [-a] [-c] [-h] [-r] [-v] [-u] [-m] -f filename

Input File Format

The input file entries follow this format:

TABLE table_name
fieldname1 fieldname2 . . . . fieldnameN
{ "value11", "value12", . . . "value1N" }
{ "value21", "value22", . . . "value2N" }
{ "valueN1", "valueN2", . . . "valueNN" }

table_name is the name of the table to be loaded, as listed in the CA SDM database schema file, which is located in $NX_ROOT/site/schema.sch (UNIX) or installation-directory\site\schema.sch (Windows), where $NX_ROOT or installation-directory is the directory where you installed CA SDM.

-f filename

Specifies an input ASCII file.


Updates all existing records, regardless of whether more than one existing record matches a single input record. Without this option, input records that match more than one existing record are rejected.

Important! Use this option carefully.


Checks the input file against the database and reports on the updates that would be made, but does not make the updates.


Removes database records that match input records. The -a option can be used with the -r option.

Note: Make a backup copy of the database before running pdm_userload with this option. Once old database records are removed, you must restore the CA SDM database with this backup copy if you wish to recover any deleted records.


Specifies verbose mode.


Updates existing records, but does not insert new records into the database.


Means mass update. Specify when you are using pdm_userload to add or delete a large number of records. This option suppresses all client notifications of updates and sends a cache refresh message for a table when pdm_userload finishes processing the table.


Uses locale sensitive numeric input formats.


Specifies the name or UUID of tenant to associate all loaded data with the specified tenant. This argument is valid only when multi-tenancy is installed.

Pdm_userload supports new arguments on the TABLE statement, "Truncate" and "NoNewID". These arguments are specified in an optional parenthesized option after the table name. For example:


Causes pdm_userload to issue a database specific TRUNCATE command for the table prior to loading any data. In addition, it forces pdm_userload logic to use insert-only logic regardless of command line arguments, as all records are new.


Causes pdm_userload to use the id value from its input control file for new rows in the table, rather than generating a new ID for inserted data (the default logic of the pdm_userload -i option).


You can run pdm_userload while CA SDM is active, but performance can become very slow. It is best to run pdm_userload when no one is using CA SDM.

More information:

pdm_backup--Write Database to ASCII File

pdm_replace--Replace a Database Table

pdm_restore--Restore a Database