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pdm_backup--Write Database to ASCII File

pdm_backup stops CA SDM and then writes one or more tables from a CA SDM database to an ASCII file. You can use this output file as the input file to pdm_restore. In addition to the contents of the database, pdm_backup backs up application configuration files.

If you have operating environment-specific backup tools, we recommend that you use them instead of pdm_backup. Because pdm_backup is a generic tool, it can be slow on some operating environment combinations.

Note: As part of its processing, pdm_backup first shuts down the daemons (UNIX) or services (Windows).


This command has the following format:

pdm_backup [-d] [-g] [-v] -f filename [ALL | table1...tableN]


Specifies to back up the database data only.


Specifies that only non-database data be backed up. This means only windows (forms) and other non-database data is backed up.


Specifies verbose mode, which writes comments about command progress to stdout.

-f filename

Specifies an output file.


Specifies ALL files or the table or tables to write. If more than one table is specified, separate each with spaces.


pdm_backup cannot be run while CA SDM is active.

Important! On UNIX, the LIBPATH must be set before running several CA SDM utilities. Use pdm_task to set the LIBPATH before running a utility. For example, input "pdm_task pdm_clean_attachments ...".

More information:

pdm_restore--Restore a Database