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pdm_uconv--Convert Local Charset to UTF-8

The pdm_uconv utility assists you in converting data from previous releases of CA SDM or integrations with other CA Technologies products. The most common usage of this utility is to convert from a local charset to UTF-8 and from UTF-8 to a local charset.


This command has the following format:

pdm_uconv -h [-V] [-s] [-v] [-l | --list-code 
| --default-code | -L] [--cannon] [-x] [--to-callback | -c] [--from-callback | -i] [--fallback | --no-fallback] [-b] [-f] [--t] [--add-signature] [--remove-signature] [-o] [file ...]

Opens the help menu.


Prints the program version.


Uses silent operation and suppresses messages.


Displays the progress information of the utility.


Lists all available encoding. The following are valid:


Lists only the given encoding.


Lists only the default encoding.


Lists all available transliterators.


Prints the list in cnvrtrs.txt(5) format.


Runs the progress through transliteration.

--to-callback callback

Uses callback on destination encoding.


Omits invalid characters from the output.

--from-callback callback

Uses callback on original encoding.


Ignores invalid sequences in the input.

--callback callback

Uses callback on both encoding.s.


Specifies the block size.

Default: 4096


Uses fallback mapping.


Does not use fallback mapping.


Sets theoriginal encoding.


Sets the destination encoding.


Adds U+FEFF Unicode signature character (BOM).


Removes U+FEFF Unicode signature character (BOM)


Writes output to file.


From local charset to UTF-8

pdm_uconv -t utf-8 inputfile.txt > outputfile.txt

From specific charset (iso-2022-jp) to UTF-8

pdm_uconv -f iso-2022-jp -t utf-8 inputfile.txt > outputfile.txt

From UTF-8 to local charset

pdm_uconv -f utf-8 inputfile.txt > outputfile.txt

From UTF-8 to specific charset

pdm_uconv -f utf-8 -t iso-2022-jp inputfile.txt > outputfile.txt

The pdm_uconv utility has the following are valid callbacks: