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Example: Use the True Priority Escalation Rule

The 'Escalate' Activity Notification occurs when the priority of a ticket changes, not just when the priority increases. Users are notified of escalations as well as de-escalations. The Notification Rules now provide a way to discriminate between a change from priority 2 to priority 1 and a change from priority 1 to priority 2

The True Priority Escalation rule evaluates the current and previous values of the Priority field. This rule notifies the attached Object Contact, Contact and Contact Types attached to the rule only when the priority of an Issue ticket changes from a lower priority to a higher priority.

Note: You can create a similar rule for other ticket types. The notification is only sent when the condition attached to the rule is evaluated as true and uses the message template that is attached to the rule. By default, no Object Contact, Contact or Contact Types are attached to the rule. The Auto Notification field on the Message Template attached to the rule is also set to No by default.

Example: Receive notification when priority changes from a lower to a higher priority for an Issue ticket type

  1. Verify that either the default rule attached to the Escalate activity notification is removed or the Auto Notification option on the Message Template attached to the default is set to No.

    This prevents notifications being sent out for these default rules.

  2. Open the True Priority Escalation rule.

    Add an Object Contact or a Contact or a Contact Type to the rule.

    Verify that the Contact can receive notifications.

  3. Click True Priority Escalation on the Message Template field and check the Auto Notification option.

    Attach the rule to the Escalate activity notification.

  4. Create a new issue with a priority, such as 5.
  5. Change the priority to 4 and verify that the user received the notification.
  6. Change the priority from 4 to 5 and verify that the user did not receive the notification.