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Notification Rules

A notification rule sets guidelines for the system to follow when sending notifications. With notification rules, you can specify who is automatically notified, and under which circumstances.

You can define notification rules for requests, incidents, problems, change orders, issues, contacts, configuration items, and global and specific tenants. Each notification rule contains the following components:

Condition Macro

Configure to represent the desired values of one or more fields on a service desk ticket. The condition is evaluated at different points during processing to determine whether an action occurs.

Message Template

Contains a prototype of the message that is generated and sent to contacts when the notification is sent. A notification rule must contain a message template and they can be reused.

Object Contacts

Displays the object contact derived from ticket information, such as assignee, end-user, group, and so on. If the condition is met, these object contacts receive notification.


If the condition is met, these contacts receive notification. Contacts are the database records that represent the users of the system.

Contact Types

Displays the contacts type that you want to receive the notification by default, for example, Analysts, Employee, Customer, and so on.

Related Activity Notifications

Displays a list of related activity notifications that use the notification rule.

Note: Users can receive multiple notifications for an activity notification that contains multiple rules for which they meet the conditions.