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Users Who Can Update Multiple Tenants

If the user's role allows access to multiple tenants, or a service provider's user role has Update Public authorization (typical for an analyst that works for a service provider), detail pages change as follows:

Untenanted objects

Untenanted objects contain only public data. There are no changes to their detail pages for a service provider user with Update Public authorization. If the user is in a role without Update Public authorization, or does not belong to the service provider, read-only pages for untenanted objects have no Edit button.

Existing Tenant-required objects

Tenant-required objects contain only data associated with a particular tenant. Detail pages for existing tenant-required objects show the object's tenant as part of the standard page header.

Tenant-optional objects

Tenant-optional objects contain both public and tenant-specific data. The detail page for these objects depends on whether the user belongs to the service provider and is in a role with Update Public authorization: