If a user's role allows view access to multiple tenants, or a service provider user has Update Public authorization, CA SDM list forms change as follows:
Untenanted objects contain only public data. A service provider user is allowed to create or update an untenanted object only if their role has Update Public authorization. If not, the UI suppresses menu items or buttons allowing update or edit, such as the Edit button itself, or the Create New button on a list page. Tenant users cannot update public objects, and these users never see an Edit or Create New button on a list page for an untenanted object.
Tenant-required objects contain only data associated with a particular tenant. List forms for these objects automatically include a Tenant column after the last link column. In addition, the search filter contains a tenant selector allowing the user to restrict a list to a single tenant.
Tenant-optional objects contain both public and tenant-specific data. List forms for these objects automatically include a Tenant column (a blank tenant indicates a public object). In addition, the search filter contains both a tenant selector and a Public Data drop-down list (the same one seen by tenant administrators).
Note: If tenant required tables incorrectly contain untenanted data in a multi-tenancy system, a public data drop-down list appears in tenant required tables and you get the following message: “AHD05358 There were nn untenanted active xxx objects at Service Desk startup.”
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