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Identifying Performance Problems in CA SDM

Customers that experience performance problems in CA SDM can gather information about their environment before contacting CA Support Online to help identify and resolve CA SDM problems. Use the CA SDM Diagnostic Report Tool and Interval Logging Script to collect diagnostic information about your CA SDM environment. For example, understand the computer configuration to determine the Operating System type, version, and available system resources.

Important! Install and configure the CA SDM server before running the diagnostic tool. Execute the diagnostic utility on all the primary and secondary CA SDM server installations. The tool does not change or modify the CA SDM server.

Note: We recommend that you contact CA Support Online before you use the diagnostic tool.

The following process describes how to identify performance problems:

  1. Define the Performance Problem.
  2. Gather the following site-specific environmental data:
  3. Execute the Interval Logging Script.
  4. Review general tuning recommendations.