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Execute the Interval Logging Script

Interval logging determines resource usage on your server. Confirm whether any processes consume high amounts of CPU, Memory, or Disk I/O on your server. The Interval Logging script (batch file on Windows Server or Shell Script on Unix/Linux) starts automatically when the Service Desk Manager services start. The batch script collects CA SDM and OS statistics every 3 minutes.

For Windows, the batch file generates the CPUStats_Hostname.txt, pslistx_hostname.out, pslistm_hostname.out, netstat_hostname.out files for both Primary and Secondary servers in the $NX_ROOT/log folder. For only Primary servers, the batch file generates dbstats_hostname.out and status_hostname.out.

For UNIX/Linux, the script creates a file named interval_log_<hostname>.out in the $NX_ROOT/log directory. The script stores all backup files in the Interval_logging folder with the timestamp in the $NX_ROOT/log directory.

Note: If your UNIX system contains the TOP tool, add that tool to the Internal Logging command sets. For CA Support Online, take note of the TOP output OS statistics for the top 50 processes that take up the most of your system resources.

For Windows 2008, this utility requires the pslist.exe tool (part of to be installed and added to the windows OS %PATH% environment variable on each of the CA SDM servers.

Complete the following steps to download PS Tools Suite:

  1. Download PS Tools Suite from Microsoft.
  2. Extract to any directory of your choice and add the directory to the Windows %PATH% environment variable.
  3. Execute pslist.exe once manually from the command prompt as the Local System user and accept the license agreement. To execute pslist.exe as the Local System user, run the following command:
    psexec.exe -s -i pslist.exe

    Note: You can start the CA SDM Windows service under a different user account other than the Local System account. For that service, execute pslist.exe under that account and accept the license agreement. If pslist.exe is added after installing & configuring CA SDM, restart the CA SDM services after accepting the license agreement of pslist.