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UNIX Report

The following list describes the UNIX report files that are created and included in the CAZ\tar file.


Specifies the CA licensing information from ca_lic directory.


Specifies the log file that is related to CA licensing from ca_lic directory.

<host name>_env.txt

Specifies the environment variables that are set on the computer.

<host name>_slstat.txt

Specifies the output of slstat command.

<host name>_pdm_status.txt

Specifies the output of slstat command.

<host name>_dir_listing.txt

Specifies the Service Desk install directory listing.

<host name>_pslist.txt

Specifies the process listing when the pslist microsoft tool is installed.

<host name>_uname.txt

Specifies the output of uname operating system command.

<host name>_diskinfo.txt

Specifies the output of df operating system command.

<host name>_freemem.txt

Specifies the output of memory information.

<host name>_supp_diag.log

Specifies the log created for running the supp_diag tool.

<host name>_prtconf.txt

Specifies the output of prtconf operating system command on Solaris and AIX computers.

<host name>_solrev.txt

Specifies the OS version and patches Information on Solaris computers.

<host name>_netconf.txt

Specifies the IP configuration Information on AIX computers.