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Edit an Automated Task

You can download automated tasks from the server and edit them in the Automated Task Editor. Any content that is newer in the version than the existing content on the server is imported into the database and made available to administrators of that tenant.

To edit an automated task

  1. Open the Automated Task Editor.

    The Support Automation Task Editor appears.

  2. On the toolbar, select the Upload Automated Task icon.

    The Open Automated Task from Server pane appears.

  3. Select the automated task that you want to download.

    Note: If you are a privileged user in a multi-tenancy environment, you can edit public or tenant-specific automated tasks.

  4. Click Open Task.

    The Support Automation Task Editor downloads the task to the client and opens it in the application.

    The download creates a text file on the computer of the task author that contains the dependent content.