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Information Utilities

The following applications automate your information utilities.


Create a focal point of view for the command output of z/OS commands that is issued across many CA OPS/MVS MSF connected systems within the OPSLOG.


Create a focal application that can be called by any AOF rule or OPS/REXX program when a multi-line informational automated SMTP email needs to be generated.


Sends a single-line message as an SMTP email.


Obtains various IPL data information, stores that data in a variable, and then issues a MLWTO OPSLOG only message with the data.

The MLWTO can be used as a quick tool within OPSLOG to locate the started IPLs, and the variable will be accessed using the OPSINQRY sample OPS/REXX program as a tool to present the collected IPL data across MSF connected systems.


Creates an end-user utility to issue commands or a series of commands and present the output in a scrollable response area.


Determines if a module is found within any current link listed library.


Obtains various system related IPL information for a system and saves it within the CA OPS/MVS shared variable data base. It then obtains this data from one focal point within TSO.

Checking ASID Existence on Remote Systems

The following applications provide automation for checking whether ASIDs exist on remote systems.


Processes a pseudo sysplex routed command using the OPSTATUS() that can be used to remotely determine if an ASID is active.


Determines if an ASID is active on a remote CA OPS/MVS MSF connected system, or within a specific sysplex system.

This OPS/REXX sample program can be called as an external function from another CA OPS/MVS OPS/REXX program when the status of an ASID on a remote system is needed. The sample logic assumes that the remote system is MSF connected, and a system within the local sysplex configuration.