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Message Suppression and Manipulation

The following applications provide automation for the message suppression and message manipulation.


Automating WTORs and action messages (descriptor codes 1, 2, 11) is an ongoing effort towards the goal of implementing aggressive system automation.

ACTNMSGS demonstrates a technique to:

  1. Quickly identify these types of action messages in which a corresponding CA OPS/MVS rule is not logically processing them.
  2. Use the OPSLOG to identify these events that are not currently being automated upon.
  3. Create a rule to automate them.

Improves message suppression at IPL time only if you are not utilizing aggressive suppression (as demonstrated within the SUPPRALL sample).


Demonstrate various coding techniques needed to process MLWTO messages.


The AOF SUPPRALL rule details how you create a single suppression rule to suppress all messages except highlighted messages (WTORs, descriptor codes of 1, 2) and command responses.


Clears console buffer backlogs.

Monitoring Batch Job Execution Times


Determine if a batch jobs execution or clocktime is exceeding defined run times based on the initiator class in which it is running.

Processing Cross-system Events

The following provides automation for processing cross-system events.


Demonstrates the logic that can be used to obtain status or event data from another system such as the maximum condition code (maxcc) of a batch job in order to perform some automated action on a local system.