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SSM Global Events

There are two types of SSM global events, RDF monitor events (ADD, DELETE, and UPDATE) and the BEGIN event. Users can take action for these events by adding entries to the global action table.

Global Events

SSM monitors the resource directory table and all tables that are named in it for changes. If a column has the monitored attribute, then SSM monitors that individual column as well. When a monitored column changes, or a managed table adds or deletes a row, the RDF stores information about the change and notifies SSM through a global event. As a result of the global event being issued, SSM comes out of its usual wait state and processes the information that the RDF stores. A user-defined action can now run when these events occur.

RDF-triggered events occur after the table has been modified, not synchronously with the change. The corresponding action can react to changes; however, it cannot prevent them.

Note: Auxiliary tables are not considered to be SSM managed tables, and changes to them do not create global events.

Begin Event

SSM initialization occurs when SSM is started, or when the status of SSM is changed from INACTIVE to ACTIVE or PASSIVE, or from PASSIVE to ACTIVE. When SSM initializes, SSM attempts to execute a global action named BEGIN. This global action is optional. This action obtains the status of resources that exist on an external processor and are potential prerequisites for local resources. However, you can perform another initialization in this action at the discretion of the user.

Note: You cannot install and run this application until you stop using your action, or until you combine the CA‑supplied action with your own action.