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Using SSM Global Events

The SSMGLOBALEXITS parameter controls whether you enabled the global action. This parameter defaults to NO, the global action is not enabled.

You must also create a global action RDF table, which contains the following four required columns:

EXIT_EVENT              CHAR(8)              PK UC      NULL
EXIT_RES_TABLE          CHAR(18)             PK UC
EXIT_RES_NAME           CHAR(18)             PK UC
EXIT_ACTION             VARCHAR(450)                    NULL

Additional columns are allowed.

If you set the SSMGLOBALEXITS parameter to YES, and the global action RDF table does not exist, then the SSM global action process performs the following actions:

  1. The global action creates an empty table containing the four required columns.

    You can use the table editor or other table manipulation tools to populate the rows of the global action table, and to add columns as needed.

  2. The global action names the global action table SSMV2_GBLEXIT_TBL by default.

    Its name can be changed in the SSMGLOBALEXITTBL parameter. Only one global action table can be active. However, you can switch between multiple global action tables by setting the SSMGLOBALEXITTBL parameter.

A global table can have multiple actions that match a global event. The SSM engine assigns a numerical score to each action that matches, so that it can choose the action that most closely matches the event. Actions can be generic, meaning they only specify the event type (ADD, DELETE, or UPDATE). Actions can also be specific, meaning that they specify the generic information and also more specific information, such as the table name being updated. The numerical score increases for each column of the action that matches the corresponding event type. The highest score is the closest match.

The RDF-triggered global events share the global action table that the global BEGIN action uses. These actions also share the parameters for setting the action table name and enabling the action.

There are a number of variables available to global actions.

More information:

Built-in Variables

Process Events