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Set Desired States Through SSMBEGIN

The SSMBEGIN request rule lets you choose how you want to initialize the DESIRED_STATE column. This rule gives you complete control over initializing this column each time SSM becomes active and when the SSM mode parameter is upgraded to a more active mode. When executed, this REXX program lists startup options, and the program prompts you to reply. One option lets you specify the mode (ACTIVE/PASSIVE/INACTIVE) of SSM.

Follow these steps:

  1. You enable the SSMBEGIN request rule to be invoked at SSM startup.

    When invoked, the SSMBEGIN request rule displays the following z/OS message:

    SSMBEGIN start options:
    1) Use current schedule
    2) Use an alternate schedule
    3) Use IPL_STATE as desired state and no schedule
    4) Use previous desired state and no schedule
    5) Use current desired state and no schedule
    ---------- Stateman restarted. Mode=ACTIVE -------------
    Reply with an option number and/or the first letter of a
    valid stateman mode (Active/Passive/Inactive) to replace
    the current mode (i.e. R nn,1/1A/A). Default=1
  2. Choose the option that sets the desired states of resources closest to what you want as those states.

    Specifying nA or nP overrides the type of SSM monitoring that you specify on the CA OPS/MVS STATEMAN parameter. For example, if the STATEMAN parameter is set to ACTIVE and you select option 1P when the SSM starts up. The SSM monitors your system resources passively, and SSM does not act when a resource changes state.

More information:

Options for Initializing Desired States