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Primary Commands for Creating Table Structure

To manage your table creation session, you can issue the following primary commands (similar to ISPF edit commands) from the command line. If a command appears in all uppercase letters, you must enter the full command name. Otherwise, enter only the part of the command shown in uppercase.


Exits this table creation session without creating the table.


Converts the column names you enter to uppercase or lowercase characters. If you enter the column name in uppercase, the table editor converts data entered in that column to uppercase. If you enter the column name in lowercase, data entered in that column remains in the case in which you entered it.

The CAPS command applies only to columns containing character data.

Note: By default, CA OPS/MVS sets the names of columns with non-character data to uppercase.

Issue one of these versions of the CAPS command:

Consider the following when issuing the CAPS command:


Replaces one text string with another:

Note: If you substitute an asterisk (*) for one or both of the strings in any of these CHANGE commands, the table editor uses the string value or values specified on the previous CHANGE command.


Scrolls down toward the bottom of the table.


Saves changes and exits this editing session.


Finds a specified text string and places the cursor on that string:


Scrolls toward the left side of the column definitions.


Repeats the last Change command issued.


Cancels all pending line commands and removes all SQL error messages from your screen.


Repeats the last Find command issued.


Scrolls toward the right side of the column definitions.


Scrolls toward the top of the table definition.