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Edit the Structure of a New Table

You can use the following Table Structure Editor panel to create a new relational table:

Table Structure Editor ---------- SSM>XYZ----------------- COLUMNS 00001 00072 Command ===> Scroll ===> PAGE COL--> COLUMN-NAME DATA-TYPE ATTRIBUTES DEFAULT ****** **************************** TOP OF DATA ****************************** 000001 TABLE_ID CHAR(4) PK 000002 TABLE_NAME CHAR(18) 000003 DESIRED_STATE CHAR(8) NOT NULL UP 000005 DATA_TYPE HEX(2) 000006 DATA_OFFSET SMALLINT 000007 DATA_LENGTH SMALLINT 000008 SCALE SMALLINT 000009 AVMAN HEX(4) ****** *************************** BOTTOM OF DATA ****************************

From this panel, you configure columns for a new table. This sample display shows the contents of a table called SSM>XYZ.

When defining a new table through the Table Structure Editor panel, follow the same requirements that you would follow if creating the table using the CREATE TABLE statement of SQL.

Note: For a detailed discussion of these requirements, see the Command and Function Reference.