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Line Commands on the Links Control Panel

The CMDS line of the Links Control panel displays a set of line commands that let you create and modify periods, link resources with periods, and determine which periods and resources the Schedule Manager displays on your screen.

The following provides a description of each line command:


Lets you alter a period definition, changing the name, times and days, or both associated with an existing period. You can also use the A line command to replace the group of resources currently linked to a period with the link group from another existing period.

For information about defining periods, see Defining a Period in this chapter.


Deletes a period definition.

F or OFF

Operating only on items in the link group column, the F line command or the OFF line command creates a link between a resource and a period that turns the resource OFF during that period. The display color of the item against which you issue the command changes to red.

If an existing link between this resource and period specifies the desired state of the resource as ON or its equivalent, then the F line command or OFF line command changes the desired state to OFF or its equivalent. If you issue either command against the name of a table or a resource type, then the Schedule Manager creates links that set to OFF (or its equivalent) the desired states of the resources of that table or that type.


Lets you define a new period. For information about defining periods, see Defining a Period in this chapter.


Issuing this command against a period or resource makes that period or resource the current Link Item, and makes the items that are linked to that period or resource the Link Group. If the link item is a period, then the Schedule Manager displays all resources linked to that period, and each resource appears in red or green depending on whether the link specifies that the resource is ON or OFF during the period. If the link item is a resource, then you see all periods linked to that resource and the periods appear in red or green as appropriate.


Issuing the LC line command against a resource or period copies the links of the current Link Item to the item against which the LC was issued. The LC line command is only available from the Link Item Column.


Issuing the LD line command against a resource or period deletes all the links associated with that item.


Issuing the LX line command against an item makes that item the Link Item and displays only the resources or periods linked to that item.

Note: Hidden items can be redisplayed using the +/++ or L line commands.

If the link item is a period, then the Schedule Manager displays:

If the link item is a resource, then the Schedule Manager displays only:

N or ON

Operating only on items in the link group column, the N line command or the ON line command creates a link between a resource and a period that turns the resource ON during that period. The display color of the item against which you issue the command changes to green.

If an existing link between this resource and period specifies the desired state of the resource as OFF or its equivalent, then the N line command or the ON line command changes the desired state to ON or its equivalent. If you issue either command against the name of a table or a resource type, then the Schedule Manager creates links that set to ON (or its equivalent) the desired states of all of the resources of that table or that type.


Issuing the R line command against a period or a resource removes a link between that item and the current link item. If you issue the R line command against a table or a resource type, then the Schedule Manager removes all links for the resources of that table or type and changes their display color to blue. You can issue the R line command only in the link group column.

+, -, ++, and --

For descriptions of these line commands and what they do, see Controlling What Appears Onscreen in this chapter.