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Keywords for the SSM@OVER Commands

The keywords for the SSM@OVER commands are:


The list of System State Manager resource names to be acted upon. You may specify up to 20 names. Be sure to separate multiple names with a comma.



The desired state for the resource during the period. Values are:


The period start time in hhmm format. You can use the following abbreviations for hhmm:


The period end time in hhmm format. You can use the following abbreviations for hhmm:


The period start date in mm/dd format. You can use the following abbreviations for mm/dd (zeros are added accordingly):


If the month or day is not specified, then the current month or day is used.

This keyword defaults to the current date when the SSM@OVER ADD and SSM@OVER CHANGE commands are specified.


When specified by itself or with another command, this keyword invokes the scheduler reset function, performing desired state changes according to the active schedule and any override schedule entries.

You must use the RESET keyword when the SSM@OVER ADD, SSM@OVER CHANGE, or SSM@OVER DELETE commands have made one or more changes to the override schedule.

The reset function is not performed automatically after every override change, allowing for multiple changes and verification prior to the activation of schedule changes.