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Access and Use the Standard Help Panels

Another type of help panel you can access from EasyRule is a standard help panel.

To access and use the standard help panels

  1. Press PF1/13 from the Message Rule-Descriptor Code Conditions panel.

    The following standard help panel appears:

    EasyRule ------- MESSAGE RULE - HILITE/DESCRIPTOR CODES ---------- Tutorial Option ===> PURPOSE: To assign new Descriptor Codes to this Message Rule. HOW TO: Type an S next to each character string whose Descriptor Code you wish applied to this Rule. Type in up to five additional Descriptor Codes from 12 to 16 to apply to this Rule OR type in a variable name that contains the desired Descriptor Codes. POSSIBLE See the Glossary for an explanation of Descriptor Codes. INPUTS: Type V for an explanation of valid variable syntax. Codes 1-6 and 11 are mutually exclusive. However, codes 7 through 10 can be assigned in combination with other codes. RESULTS: Descriptor Codes selected on this panel will be placed as assignments in the )PROC section of the Rule's generated OPS/REXX code. Type E for Example, G for Glossary, or press END to terminate tutorial

    Standard help panels group information into these sections:


    Explains the purpose of the panel.

    HOW TO

    Provides basic instructions for the entries you need to make on the panel. Tells you whether an entry is required or optional.


    Explains what types of entries are valid for a particular field. On some panels, provides further details for particular fields.


    Describes the OPS/REXX code that EasyRule will generate as a result of your entries.

  2. You may take these actions on most standard help panels: