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Access and Use the Menu Help Panels

Menu help panels provide a little more detail about each of the available menu options. If you access help from an EasyRule menu panel, you access the help panel for that menu.

To access and use the menu help panels

  1. Press PF1/13 from any EasyRule panel, in this example from the Conditions Menu for message rules.

    The following menu help panel appears:

    EasyRule --------------- MESSAGE RULE -- CONDITIONS MENU ------------- Tutorial Option ===> MENU INSTRUCTIONS: Type the menu selection number in the Option ==> field. These options look for: 1 - MESSAGE TEXT - Generic or specific message words 2 - CURRENT CONSOLE ROUTING - Route Code(s) 3 - HIGHLIGHTING/COLOR - Descriptor Code(s) 4 - ENVIRONMENTAL VARIABLES - Generically or exactly specified values 5 - MULTI-LINE WTO - Test for multi-line or single line WTO These options make use of: A - OTHER ADDRESS SPACES - Determine whether other address spaces are active D - DAY/TIME/SHIFT/CALENDAR - Include or exclude by time/day conditions G - GLOBAL VARIABLES - Exact or generic global variable values L - LOCAL/GLOBAL VARIABLES - Exact or generic local or global variable values O - OPSINFO VARIABLES - Values about the product and/or its environment V - OPSDEV STATUS - ONLINE/OFFLINE status of a device or VOLSER Type selection number for detailed tutorial, or press END to terminate

  2. You may take these actions on menu help panels: