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Edit the Contents of an Existing Table

To edit the data in an existing table, use the Table Data Editor panel, shown here:

Table Data Editor --------------- TBLNAME ---------------- COLUMNS 00001 00072 Command ===> Scroll ===> PAGE COL--> TABLE_ID NAME TABLE_NAME COL# DATA_TYPE DATA_OFF ****** *************************** TOP OF DATA ****************************** 000001 0001 AVMAN TABLE 12 0300 62 000002 0001 COLUMN_NUMBER TABLE 5 0500 28 000003 0001 CREATE_TIME TABLE 11 0400 58 000004 0001 ID TABLE 2 0100 20 000005 0001 NAME TABLE 1 01A0 2

This example shows you a relational table. If the table contains more columns than fit on the screen, you can scroll left or right to see the rest of the columns.