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Primary Commands for Editing Table Data

The primary commands available to edit table data resemble those used to edit table structure, except that the commands operate on actual data instead of column definitions.

The Table Data Editor panel also has an extended set of primary commands. If a command is shown in all uppercase letters, you must enter the full command name.


Exits this table editing session without saving changes, or cancels a request to free a table.


Replaces one text string with another:

Note: If you substitute an asterisk (*) for one or both of the strings in any of these CHANGE commands, the table editor uses the string value or values specified on the previous CHANGE command.


Scrolls the display until the column name specified, colname, is at the far left of the display area. For example, issuing the command COLUMN PRE positions the first column name that begins with the characters PRE at the far left of the scrollable display area.

COPY [system>]tablename

Copies the named table into this edit session. You must specify the A line command or the B line command with the COPY command.


Scrolls toward the bottom of the table.

Note: This command does not work if there is a pending line command or an SQL error.


Saves changes and exits this editing session.


Finds a specified text string and places the cursor on that string:


Adds a non-scrollable protected area of size nn characters nn/ON/OFF/? containing as much of the primary key value of the table as will fit in the area. Trailing blanks are removed from the key values. Multiple key values are separated by a single blank. A minimum of 19 characters is reserved for a scrollable column area, regardless of the fixed size specified. If the actual key length is less than the amount specified, the actual size will be substituted.

The last KEYFIX command is stored in the ISPF profile of the user and is used subsequently to set the initial KEYFIX for all relational displays.


Scrolls to the left side of the row.


Repeats the last Change command issued.


Fetches and displays a new copy of the table data currently being edited. This command works only if the table data has not changed since you last saved it. If a rule or another user has altered the table, the REFRESH command produces an error message.

REPLACE [system>]tablename

Replaces the named table with the data currently being edited. You must specify one of these line commands with the REPLACE command: C, CC, M, or MM.


Cancels all pending line commands.


Repeats the last Find command issued.


Scrolls toward the right end of the row.


Saves the data without ending this table editing session.


Scrolls toward the top of the table.

Note: This command does not work if there is a pending line command or an SQL error.

If an SQL error involving the whole table occurs when you issue the END, SAVE, or REPLACE command, an error message appears at line 3 of the Edit Table Display panel. You can delete this message only by issuing the RESET command.

If an SQL error involving only one line of a table occurs when you issue the END, SAVE, or REPLACE command, CA OPS/MVS displays an error number (in the format <nnnn>) in the line number field for the affected line. CA OPS/MVS also displays the text of the bad row and the text of the associated error message. To delete the associated error message, either issue the RESET command or type blanks over the error number in the line field.