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How the BEGIN Event Works

You can only specify one BEGIN action in the SSMV2_GBLEXIT_TBL global action table. The BEGIN event runs after the SSMBEGIN request rule.

In the action, SSM!PROCESS is always set to BEGIN, and SSM!IPL is always set to YES for the first pass following a system IPL. Otherwise, SSM!IPL is set to NO.

Example: BEGIN Event

The following example shows a BEGIN event that executes the SSMSTART request rule, which is passed to the built-in SSM!IPL variable:

SSMV2_GBLEXIT_TBL ------------ TABLE DATA EDITOR ----------- COLUMNS 00001 00072 Command ===> Scroll ===> CSR COL--> EXIT_EVENT EXIT_RES_TABLE EXIT_RES_NAME EXIT_ACTION ***********************************TOP OF DATA********************************** 000001 ADD 000002 BEGIN RULE("SSMSTART &SSM!IPL") 000003 DELETE 000004 UPDATE *********************************BOTTOM OF DATA*********************************

Non-standard and Complex Resource Management

Standard resources managed within the SSM component start through a traditional z/OS START command initialize, and then stay active until it is desired to stop them or the system is being IPLd. Additionally, these standard resources produce specific WTO's that indicate their true current state, such as when it reached its initialization or UP state or when it is being STOPPED. Within SSM, it may be desired to manage the state of resources that do not adhere to the characteristics of these standard types of resources. This section describes the actions needed to manage various non-standard resources within SSM and identify supporting sample rules and programs in which more information can be found.