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Supplied Sample OPS/REXX Programs

This section lists the details regarding the individual sample OPS/REXX programs as outlined in Appendix A, which overviews a specific automatable system component or event.

The following lists and describes all the supplied sample programs:


Program Type: OPS/REXX

Subsystem: z/OS

Processes abend data stored in a RDF table using the ABENDLOG AOF rule, and offloads to a sequential data set.


Program Type: OPS/REXX

Subsystem: z/OS

Demonstrates issuing and interrogating output from CA 7. The interface between CA OPS/MVS and CA 7 must be implemented as outlined in the Administration Guide.


Program Type: REXX

Subsystem: ISPF

Allocates files necessary to run ISPF in a server.


Program Type: REXX

Subsystem: AOF

Issues a series of commands to ADDRESS AOF and retrieves the AOF command output. The AOF command output is sent to the user.


Program Type: REXX

Subsystem: AOF

Demonstrates how to initialize the AOF, based on the environment.


Program Type: CLIST

Subsystem: z/OS

Finds the address space IDs for jobs executing on a machine. The job name is provided as input to the CLIST.


Program Type: JCL

Subsystem: IMS

Invokes the supplied OPIMTGCB REXX program as a batch version of the IDENTIFY IMS utility, which is OPSVIEW option 7.4.


Program Type: CLIST

Subsystem: z/OS

Cancels scheduled writer jobs.


Program Type: UNIX shell script

Subsystem: USS

Displays the UNIX shell script. The UNIX shell script is called by the log2wto shell script, which issues the catwto for each line in a log file.

Note: This script is only intended for use in conjunction with the log2wto script. The program name is in lowercase because the UNIX environment is case sensitive.


Program Type: C

Subsystem: ESI

Demonstrates how to use OPSLINK from a C/370 program. To use this sample, you must license the ESI component in advance.


Program Type: OPS/REXX

Subsystem: CA 1

Checks to see if CA 1 is active, and if it is, whether it is running TMS Version 5.2.


Program Type: OPS/REXX

Subsystem: CA 1

Checks to see if CA 1 is active.


Program Type: CLIST

Subsystem: CICS

Enables you to stop, start, or display status information about CICS regions.


Program Type: OPS/REXX

Subsystem: CICS

Performs a controlled CICS shutdown if possible and takes more drastic shutdown actions if necessary. The program expects to be invoked by the SHUT command rule from a z/OS console.


Program Type: REXX

Subsystem: N/A

Purges the external data queue and returns to the caller.


Program Type: OPS/REXX

Subsystem: z/OS

Create a focal point of view for the command output of commands that are issued across many CA OPS/MVS MSF connected systems.


Program Type: OPS/REXX

Subsystem: z/OS

Creates a verification WTOR back to the console that issued a specific command.


Program Type: COBOL

Subsystem: z/OS

Issues (z/OS, JES, VM, IMS, CICS) commands and returns the output to an array supplied by the caller.


Program Type: REXX

Subsystem: AOF

Shows how a batch job can be used to compile an entire AOF rule set.


Program Type: JCL

Subsystem: REXX

Demonstrates how to compile an OPS/REXX program from a batch job.


Program Type: OPS/REXX

Subsystem: z/OS

Demonstrates using the OPSUBMIT OPS/REXX function to submit JCL to compress a data set.

Note: This sample program is related to and scheduled by the APIPDSMN sample rule.


Program Type: OPS/REXX

Subsystem: VM

Displays the result of a VM command.


Program Type: CLIST

Subsystem: VTAM

Displays currently active VTAM application IDs.



Subsystem: N/A

Converts either a yy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss or yyyymmdd hh:mm:ss string value to the number of seconds past midnight on January 1, 1980.


Program Type: CLIST

Subsystem: DB2

Enables you to stop, start, cancel, and display active DB2 sessions.


Program Type: OPS/REXX

Subsystem: DB2

Issue and store DB2 Display command output in a sequential file specifically a DIS DB(dbname) command.


Program Type: OPS/REXX

Subsystem: DB2

Issue and manipulate the output of a DB2 Display command specifically a DIS THREAD(*) command.


Program Type: OPS/REXX

Subsystem: NetView

Defines CA OPS/MVS Subsystem Consoles to NetView.


Program Type: OPS/REXX

Subsystem: z/OS

Demonstrates the logic needed to issue commands to the system and collect and interrogate the command response, specifically the status of a VTAM node.


Program Type: REXX

Subsystem: JES

Create a focal application that can be called by any AOF rule or OPS/REXX program when a multi-line automated SMTP email needs to be generated.


Program Type: REXX

Subsystem: JES

Sends a single-line SMTP email.


Rule Type: OPS/REXX

Subsystem: z/OS

Demonstrates the logic that can be used to obtain status or event data from another system such as the maximum condition code (maxcc) of a batch job in order to perform some automated action on a local system.


Program Type: OPS/REXX

Subsystem: CICS

An EPI subroutine that executes CICS transactions and returns the results and response times.


Program Type: OPS/REXX

Subsystem: EPI

Demonstrates EPI capabilities by logging on a TSO user ID to get a data set name list based on the AOF rule set prefix and suffix.


Program Type: JCL

Subsystem: GDI

Shows how you can use the generic data set interface to route the output from a sequential file to the AOF for automation in messages rules.


Program Type: OPS/REXX

Subsystem: z/OS

Examines the LDA (VSM local data area) and derives data concerning user-storage usage.



Subsystem: z/OS

Gets the terminal ID associated with the current job.


Program Type: OPS/REXX

Subsystem: z/OS

Invoke and manipulate the collected DCMT D AREA command output. If the LOCK status, is in ‘OFL’ for any area then send out an alert message.


Program Type: OPS/REXX

Subsystem: z/OS

Creates JCL to invoke ICKDSF utility to reinitalize the VTOC when IEC606I events occur within a sysplex.



Subsystem: z/OS

Simulates an SAA REXX built-in function.


Program Type: OPS/REXX

Subsystem: JES2

Manages and controls some or all JES2 initiators based on day-of-week and time-of-day.


Program Type: REXX

Subsystem: CA OPS/MVS

Demonstrates the ability of an OPS/REXX subroutine to simulate a built-in function of SAA REXX.


Program Type: OPS/REXX

Subsystem: z/OS

Utilize the OPSJESX() to obtain JES SSI 80 function call data for a specific job and display the information to the requesting console.


Program Type: OPS/REXX

Subsystem: z/OS

Displays the names of the data sets in the LNKLST.


Program Type: UNIX shell script

Subsystem: USS

Displays UNIX shell script to route messages from a log file to z/OS CA Event Manager. The program name is in lowercase because the UNIX environment is case sensitive.

Example: log2wto filename prefix

filename is the name of the UNIX log file, and prefix is the optional character string that is inserted in front of each message in the log file. The prefix makes it possible for USS rules to determine the source of the message.

Program Type: OPS/REXX

Subsystem: z/OS

Causes tape volume dismounts to occur under CA MIA GLOBAL Tape Device Allocation Serialization for tape volumes that remain mounted in unallocated MIA-managed tape devices.


Program Type: OPS/REXX and CA OPS/MVS batch job

Subsystem: CA MIM

Gathers CA MIM complex environmental information quickly and ensures your CA MIM address spaces are setup and running optimally.


Program Type: OPS/REXX

Subsystem: CA MIM

Determines if any outstanding mount pendings are occurring for locally managed CA MIM tape devices.


Program Type: OPS/REXX

Subsystem: z/OS

Uses the ADDRESS WTO host environment to demonstrate how to simulate the issuing of a multi-line WTOR.


Program Type: OPS/REXX

Subsystem: CA OPS/MVS

Illustrates how to put and get messages on WebSphere MQ Series queues using the Address MQ host environment.


Program Type: CLIST

Subsystem: NetView

Stops, starts, and displays NetView session status.



Subsystem: z/OS

Simulates an SAA REXX built-in function.


Program Type: OPS/REXX

Subsystem: USS

Illustrates how the D OMVS command can be used to determine or validate the OMVS process ID of an executing OMVS program. The PID is required by the UNIX kill command to stop a running process.


Program Type: OPS/REXX

Subsystem: CA OPS/MVS

User command exit allows user to trigger any type of end-user automation against some SSM resource. Users can implement their own new line and primary command to be able to invoke a program. For example, an OPS/REXX validation program, SSM Note or a new ISPF application.


Program Type: REXX

Subsystem: ISPF

Creates a dynamic parameter file for the AME report program.


Program Type: OPS/REXX

Subsystem: CA OPS/MVS

Provides support for the Automate ICLIST and IREXX parameters when modified.


Program Type: REXX

Subsystem: CA OPS/MVS

Generates the OSCMD format of the CMDRESP(REXX) keyword output from the OPS/REXX format of the ADDRESS OPER command output.


Program Type: CLIST

Subsystem: OPSVIEW

Adds a data set to an existing concatenation of partitioned data sets.

Note: The OPCONCAT program is distributed in the OPS.CCLXCLS0 data set.


Program Type: CLIST

Subsystem: OPSVIEW

Removes a data set from an existing concatenation of partitioned data sets.

Note: The OPDECONC program is distributed in the OPS.CCLXCLS0 data set.


Program Type: CLIST

Subsystem: INFO/SYS

Enables a record to be added to the IBM INFO/SYSTEM problem management database. Also includes a sample REXX rule that executes the CLIST when message IEA404A is issued.


Program Type: OPS/REXX

Subsystem: z/OS

Utilize the OPSLOG() to extract filtered OPSLOG data.


Program Type: REXX

Subsystem: N/A

A working example of a REXX program that adds a problem record to the INFO/SYSTEM problem management database.


Program Type: OPS/REXX

Subsystem: CA OPS/MVS

Copies one sequential data set or member to and from MVS host using FTP. The target node can be a PC with FTP server software (such as FileZilla Server) installed and configured.

OPSFTP supports both binary and text transfer modes and saves encrypted passwords in global variables.


Program Type: OPS/REXX

Subsystem: CA OPS/MVS

Demonstrates the use of all the OPSINFO function codes.


Program Type: OPS/REXX

Subsystem: z/OS

ScanS OPSLOG looking for specific OPS/REXX compiler and execution error messages that might have occurred within rules and programs. Generates an alert email of these messages to a list of designated users.


Program Type: OPS/REXX

Subsystem: z/OS

Issues the SOF command supplied by the caller to the specified SOF server. Returns the command response to the console specified by the caller.

Note: This sample program is related to and invoked by the OPSOF sample rule.


Program Type: OPS/REXX

Subsystem: CA OPS/MVS

Adds TNGNOTIFY and RESOURCE_TXT columns to all System State Manager resource tables and to the directory table.


Program Type: REXX

Subsystem: Server

Extracts client messages from GLV storage and writes them as individual records to an output DASD file.


Program Type: JCL

Subsystem: Server

Shows a JCL sequence which can be used to activate the z/OS server.



Subsystem: z/OS

Simulates an SAA REXX built-in function.


Program Type: OPS/REXX

Subsystem: z/OS

Generate a CA Process Automation event from CA OPS/MVS.


Program Type: OPS/REXX

Subsystem: z/OS

Start a CA Process Automation process from CA OPS/MVS.


Program Type: OPS/REXX

Subsystem: z/OS

Demonstrate the extension of CA OPS/MVS SSM functionality to the distributed environment by controlling SAP, running on Linux, through CA Process automation. The functions of these sample applications are invoked using SSM actions as specified in the action table.


Program Type: OPS/REXX

Subsystem: z/OS

Create the common portion of a web services client request to be sent to CA Process Automation using Address USS.


Program Type: REXX

Subsystem: CA OPS/MVS

Lets sysplex and shared tape (STAPE) resources be monitored using sample message rules that update the resource status based on the severity of messages issued in the sysplex. The status of a resource can be NORMAL, WARNING, or CRITICAL. If the current state of a resource is UNKNOWN, then the resource is most likely not in use. STAPE resources are individual tape devices that have been defined as auto-switchable. Parsing the response to an operator DISPLAY command, which displays all auto-switchable devices, automatically populates the STAPE resource table. Use OPSVIEW option 4.11.2 to view these resources.

The monitored sysplex resources include the following:

Important! The PLEXSSM application, built on System State Manager (SSM), monitors sysplex resources and does not let actions be taken against a resource, such as starting, stopping, or recovering a resource associated with an application. Such actions are accomplished using customer extensions to the application.

For installation instructions, see the section Installation and Configuration Considerations for PLEXSSM.


Program Type: PL/1

Subsystem: z/OS

Issues system (z/OS, JES, VM, IMS, CICS) commands and returns the output to an array supplied by the caller.


Program Type: PL/1

Subsystem: TSO

Issues TSO commands and returns the output to an array supplied by the caller.


Program Type: PL/1

Subsystem: CA OPS/MVS

Uses global variables from a high-level language program.


Program Type: CLIST

Subsystem: TSO

Prints a message on a printer.


Program Type: OPS/REXX

Subsystem: CA OPS/MVS

Resets the CA OPS/MVS execution statistics in the PRODPERFORM parameter group.


Program Type: REXX

Subsystem: PROFS

Prepares, generates, and sends a PROFS note.


Program Type: REXX

Subsystem: z/OS

Queries the status of predefined resources and stores the information in global variables.


Program Type: OPS/REXX

Subsystem: z/OS

Calculates the amount of storage that Automate relational tables will require in CA OPS/MVS.


Program Type: OPS/REXX

Subsystem: z/OS

End-User OPS/REXX pgm to stop or force CA OPS/MVS servers and reset (delete) all server requests in the specified server queue.


Program Type: CLIST

Subsystem: ISPF

This is an ISPF edit macro that defines OI and OX as edit macro programs.


Program Type: OPS/REXX

Subsystem: z/OS

Reads a file in REXX.


Program Type: REXX

Subsystem: z/OS

Writes a file in REXX.


Program Type: OPS/REXX

Subsystem: ISPF

Displays a graphic image in REXX.


Program Type: OPS/REXX

Subsystem: TSO

Provides a full-screen control application for issuing TSO commands and allows paging in the output.


Program Type: OPS/REXX

Subsystem: z/OS

Displays the names of all subsystems in use.



Subsystem: N/A

Converts a seconds value since midnight January 1, 1980 into a 17-byte date and time string in the format yyyymmdd hh:mm:ss.


Program Type: OPS/REXX

Subsystem: PROFS

Prepares, generates, and sends a PROFS note.


Program Type: OPS/REXX

Subsystem: z/OS

Sets a dynamic SLIP trap. CA Customer Support personnel may direct you to use this sample.


Program Type: OPS/REXX

Subsystem: z/OS

Initiates shutdown for a CICS region.


Program Type: OPS/REXX

Subsystem: z/OS

Stops a CA Datacom region. This sample program contains examples that use the OPSJES2 function to interrogate a specific initiator class, the OPSTATUS function to evaluate specific active jobs, and an example of creating a dynamic TOD rule.


Program Type: OPS/REXX

Subsystem: z/OS

Initiates STATEMAN system shutdown procedures. This sample and other sample AOF rules and OPS/REXX programs work together to create a system shutdown application. Specific details are outlined within this SHUTSYS1 sample.


Program Type: OPS/REXX

Subsystem: z/OS

Triggered using the SHUTSYS1 sample program. This sample stops non SSM-related tasks, and then initiates the STATEMAN shutdown. This sample and other sample AOF rules and OPS/REXX programs work together to create a system shutdown application. Specific details are outlined within the SHUTSYS1 sample.


Program Type: OPS/REXX

Subsystem: z/OS

Initiates shutdown for the OMVS zFS file system.


Program Type: OPS/REXX

Subsystem: z/OS

Restarts the OMVS zFS file system after the following command was issued:


Program Type: OPS/REXX

Subsystem: JES2

Uses the CA OPS/MVS to CA SYSVIEW interface to monitor and respond to JES2 TGS (spool space/track groups) threshold warnings. Application creates an alert of the problem, which includes the job name of the top spool user.


Program Type: OPS/REXX

Subsystem: STATEMAN

Handles the BEGIN, ADD, UPDATE, and DELETE global events of SSM. In this sample, a new SSM-related table of resources whose statuses must be transmitted to other systems is built and maintained. The SSM global event table invokes this program through the SSMGEVNT request rule.


Program Type: OPS/REXX

Subsystem: STATEMAN

Handles the XPREREQ, XSUBREQ, MPREREQ, MSUBREQ, and MATCH process events of SSM. A local SSM auxiliary table is used by these sample exits to evaluate cross-system prerequisite status requests. The SSM global event sample program SSMGLSST maintains the auxiliary table.


Program Type: OPS/REXX

Subsystem: STATEMAN

The logic of this program emulates the standard prerequisite and subrequisite logic of the SSM engine. It can be modified and called from any REXX program to emulate a prerequisite and subrequisite evaluation.


Program Type: OPS/REXX

Subsystem: z/OS

Locate the SSM resource table in which a particular resource resides.


Program Type: OPS/REXX

Subsystem: STATEMAN

Transmits the SSM resource status records built by the sample SSM global event program, SSMGLSST, to the remote status SSM auxiliary table on the target systems. The SSM XPREREQ and XSUBREQ process events use the remote status table on each system to evaluate the status of cross-system prerequisites and subrequisites.


Program Type: OPS/REXX

Subsystem: CA OPS/MVS

Generates a formatted file representation of a system state managed resource table. You can use this file with GRAPHVIZ to display a graphical representation of the table's resource relationships.


Program Type: OPS/REXX

Subsystem: STATEMAN

Determines the current state of a USS application-level pseudo resource using the states of the component SSM USS resources and synchronizes the desired states of the component resources. This program is called by the SSMUSSRQ request rule. For an explanation of the use of a USS application resource, see the documentation in the beginning of the program.


Program Type: OPS/REXX

Subsystem: STATEMAN

Determines the current state of a USS resource using the OPSUSS REXX function and starts and stops a USS resource. This program is called by the SSMUSSRQ request rule. For the expected RDF table columns required to use this program, see the documentation in the beginning of the program.

Program Type: OPS/REXX

Subsystem: z/OS

Demonstrates a coding technique that can be used to monitor and control USS daemon server processes such as INETD within System State Manager (SSM).


Program Type: OPS/REXX

Subsystem: z/OS

Determines the state of a remotely monitored SSM resource within a MSF connected or sysplex environment.


Program Type: OPS/REXX

Subsystem: z/OS

Insert SSM resource and action table data into a sequential dsn so that it can be FTP'd and viewed as an Xcel document.


Program Type: CLIST

Subsystem: IMS

Performs a typical IMS startup.


Program Type: OPS/REXX

Subsystem: USS

Demonstrates how to stop all the OSF USS servers. You may need to use this procedure if you plan to shut down the Job Entry Subsystem (JES) prior to shutting down CA OPS/MVS.


Program Type: OPS/REXX

Subsystem: z/OS

Displays the system SVC table.


Program Type: OPS/REXX

Subsystem: z/OS

Displays the static system symbols.

Program Type: OPS/REXX

Subsystem: z/OS

Demonstrate a coding technique that can be used to obtain and interrogate specific CA SYSVIEW related data. Specifically the coupling facility related data, MQ related data, Page data set related data, and WLM related data.


Program Type: OPS/REXX

Subsystem: z/OS

Outlines and demonstrates the process of creating an effective CA OPS/MVS application that monitors and responds to CICS threshold alerts collected by CA SYSVIEW. This application provides a foundation of implementing a more granular automated decision making application, that is needed when processing these CA SYSVIEW alerts.


Program Type: OPS/REXX

Subsystem: z/OS

Create proactive automation between the CA OPS/MVS and CA SYSVIEW interface that alerts on and resolves potential problem ASIDs before they impact system performance.


Program Type: OPS/REXX

Subsystem: z/OS

Demonstrates a coding technique that you can use to obtain and interrogate various CA SYSVIEW related data and generate SMTP email alerts for any exceeded defined thresholds.


Program Type: OPS/REXX

Subsystem: z/OS

Invoke the CA SYSVIEW CICS CTDATA GLOBAL command to obtain transient data queues for all active CICS regions and generate an alert for any TDQ that that has a current QCount greater than a defined threshold.


Program Type: OPS/REXX

Subsystem: z/OS

The logic within this OPS/REXX program demonstrates the basic code needed to extract data set extent usage information for data sets active to a specific job. The CA SYSVIEW interface will be utilized to obtain this information.


Program Type: OPS/REXX

Subsystem: CA OPS/MVS

Issues CA SYSVIEW commands. This program is designed to run under a CA OPS/MVS server; therefore, it must be placed in the SYSEXEC (or equivalent) concatenation of an OSF TSO class server.


Program Type: OPS/REXX

Subsystem: z/OS

Determine if a batch jobs execution or clocktime is exceeding defined run times based on the initiator class in which it is running.


Program Type: OPS/REXX

Subsystem: z/OS

Process MSU4HAVG threshold alerts (Averages MSU usage). For warning/problem alerts, output from the TOPCPU CA Sysview command will be obtained and emailed through SMTP to a specific list of email IDs. An 'All OK' email will be generated when the MSU4HAVG alert returns a 'NORMAL' status.


Program Type: OPS/REXX

Subsystem: z/OS

Demonstrates a technique used to query the statuses of z/OS UNIX processes associated to a particular ASID.


Program Type: OPS/REXX

Subsystem: CA OPS/MVS

Waits for the time change to complete and then disables and reenables all non‑dynamic TOD rules. See the related TIMECHNG sample rule.


Program Type: OPS/REXX

Subsystem: TSO

Displays the TSO attributes for a TSO user or server address space. Useful for debugging TSO-related problems.


Program Type: OPS/REXX

Subsystem: TSO

Sample program that uses the CA OPS/MVS External Program Interface (EPI) to respond to TSO/E logon or poor response time failures.


Program Type: REXX

Subsystem: CA 7

Demands a job from the scheduler.


Program Type: REXX

Subsystem: ISPF

Extracts all lines of a file containing a given string.


Program Type: OPS/REXX

Subsystem: z/OS

Responds to IEA404A and IEA405E MCS console backlog messages by detecting and clearing the backed up consoles.


Program Type: OPS/REXX

Subsystem: z/OS

Determine if an ASID is active on a remote CA OPS/MVS MSF connected system, or within a specific sysplex system.