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OPSSEND Function and ADDRESS WTO—Pass Messages to Remote Systems

WTO messages issued on one system can be passed to another system through the OPSSEND function or the ADDRESS WTO instruction.

OPSSEND Function

The OPSSEND function can only be called from in an AOF rule; it sends the message intercepted by the rule to a remote system.

The OPSSEND function has the following format:

If the following AOF rule is enabled on system SYSA, all messages whose message ID starts with IEF will be sent to system SYSB:


The first operand passed to the OPSSEND function call is the target system ID.

ADDRESS WTO Instruction

You can also use the ADDRESS WTO instruction to issue messages from any OPS/REXX program to a remote system.

The ADDRESS WTO instruction has the following format:

ADDRESS WTO "TEXT('messagetext') keywords"

For more information about the ADDRESS WTO instruction, see the Command and Function Reference.

Important! Although you can use both the OPSSEND function and the ADDRESS WTO instruction to pass messages to remote systems, we recommend that you use the ADDRESS WTO instruction.