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Commands for Use in the EPI Recording Environment

The following briefly explains what you can do with each command provided on the EPI Recorder panel, including the commands mentioned above. From the EPI Recorder panel, you can access online information about these commands. To do so, place the cursor on the command name and press the PF1 key.

A (Append line to EXEC)

Appends a text string you specify to the last recorded line in your REXX EXEC.

C (place the Cursor)

Places the cursor at a location (that you specify) on the session screen image.

E (Edit the EXEC)

Allows you to edit the REXX EXEC being recorded.

F (Find a string)

Finds a character string you specify on the session screen image.

K (press a Key)

Lets you issue an aid key or escape instruction to the session.

L (enter Literal data)

Inserts a SESSCMD command processor containing the literal string you specify into your REXX EXEC.

N (eNter variable data)

Inserts a SESSCMD command processor containing the REXX variables you specify into your REXX EXEC.

O (set Options)

Allows you to temporarily or permanently reset the recording environment for the current recording session.

P (take a Picture)

Captures the current session screen image and places it in your REXX EXEC as a comment.

R (turn Recording ON/OFF)

Starts or stops session recording.

S (Set variable)

Lets you set a variable.

V (Verify data)

Allows you to verify that you are on the proper screen image.