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How the Recording Process Works

During recording, you customize the EPI generic automation REXX EXEC, importing data from session screens, and building SESSCMD command processors to either issue commands to the session or respond to prompts from the session.

Which data you import and which SESSCMD command processors you place in your REXX EXEC depend on the type of session management task you want the EXEC to automate.

Example: Recording Process

Suppose that you want the EXEC to automate extracting statistics about terminal response time from CA NetSpy screens. You would do the following:

  1. First you need to insert into your EXEC SESSCMDs that cause CA NetSpy to display its Terminal Response Time Analysis screen.
  2. Then, you would need to capture some of the information that this CA NetSpy screen displays-such as the average and last response time for transactions on the terminal-into REXX variables.