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Use Edit Option Commands

Both the RDF Table Editor Primary Panel and the Table List panel use the edit option commands listed just below the command line. If you use the RDF Table Editor Primary Panel, type these commands from the command line and press Enter. If you use the Table List panel, type one of these commands to the left of the table you want to edit and press Enter:


Browse this table. None of the columns are modifiable. When you enter the B command, CA OPS/MVS displays the Table Data Editor panel shown in Editing the Contents of an Existing Table in this chapter. The RDF TABLE and COLUMN tables are always displayed in browse mode.


Copies this table. If you enter this command from either panel, CA OPS/MVS requires you to type the name of the new table in the Newname field.

Specifying the system name with the table name is optional. If you specify an asterisk in place of a system name, the table editor displays its System List panel and allows you to choose one system from the list.


Deletes this table. CA OPS/MVS asks you to press Enter a second time to confirm that you want to delete the table.


Edit (modify) this table. When you enter the E command, CA OPS/MVS displays the Table Data Editor panel shown in Editing the Contents of an Existing Table in this chapter. From this panel, you can edit the table contents.

Note: To edit a new table, issue the I command instead of the E command.


Frees a table. This command releases a table enqueued by another user. This other user may be on a remote system.

In response to the F command, CA OPS/MVS displays a panel (not shown) reporting which user on which system has locked the table and asking you to notify that user before confirming your request to free the table. If the remote user tries to save the table after you have freed it, the table editor rejects the save request.


Insert a table. This command causes CA OPS/MVS to display a panel that asks you to do one of the following:

Tell CA OPS/MVS to give your new table the standard column definitions for a System State Manager table.

Enter the name of an existing table that contains the column definitions you want to use for your new table. Specifying the system name with the table name is optional. If you specify an asterisk in place of a system name, the table editor displays its System List panel and allows you to choose one system from the list.

After you tell CA OPS/MVS how to define columns for your new table, CA OPS/MVS displays the Edit Table Structure panel.



Rename a table. CA OPS/MVS asks you for a new table name. Specifying the system name with it is optional. If you specify an asterisk in place of a system name, the table editor displays its System List panel and allows you to choose one system from the list.


If you press Enter from the RDF Table Editor Primary Panel without specifying a table name, the table editor displays a list of available tables.


Select a table. This command takes the same actions as the E (Edit) command.

Point-and-shoot is enabled to issue the E or S line command for any displayed table. To issue the E or S line command for a displayed table using the point-and-shoot method, place the cursor in the Sel column to the left of the table name and press the ENTER key. Point-and-shoot is enabled only if no primary or line commands have been entered.