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Use the Relational Table Editor

CA OPS/MVS provides a relational table editor to simplify saving, updating, and fetching data from relational tables. These relational tables organize the information about your system that rules and automation procedures collect. You create relational tables through the CA OPS/MVS Relational Data Framework facility, described in the chapter “Using the Relational Data Framework.”

The table editor is an ISPF application you can access from the primary menu of the CA OPS/MVS OPSVIEW Interface. During a table editing session, you can use ISPF dialogs and panels and ISPF-like edit commands to:

Note: When you add rows to or delete rows from a table and save your changes, CA OPS/MVS rearranges the rows in one of these ways:

To access the table editor:

  1. Choose CA OPS/MVS from your primary ISPF menu. The CA OPS/MVS OPSVIEW Primary Option Menu panel appears.
  2. Select option 2, Editors.
  3. Select option 6, for Table Edit.

Important! The table editor prevents multiple users from editing the same relational table simultaneously. However, the SQL rules keyword and the SQL, STATESET, and OPSSMTBL command processors do not prevent simultaneous editing of a table. Therefore, during your table editing session, rules, CLISTs, REXX EXECs, or other users may be making changes to the table you are editing but you cannot see these changes.

When you access the table editor, CA OPS/MVS displays the RDF Table Editor Primary Panel, shown here:

RDF Table Editor --------------- Primary Panel -------------------------------- OPTION ===> B - Browse this table C - Copy table E - Edit table R - Rename table I - Insert new table F - Free table D - Delete table T - Transfer table contents blank - Display table list SPECIFY RELATIONAL TABLE (see note below): NAME ===> ___________________________ (Required for B, C,D,E,F,R,T) NEWNAME ===> ___________________________ (Required for C,I,R,T) CONFIRM DELETES: YES (Enter YES to require delete confirmation) NOTE: To use a table on another system specify the table name as system>table Specify ? as the system name to get a list of all systems.

This is the main menu for the table editor.

By default, CA OPS/MVS asks you to confirm any requests to delete information from a table. To delete information without confirming delete requests, specify NO in the Confirm Deletes field, as shown on the panel above, instead of YES.

To edit a table, do either of the following:

RDF Table Editor ------ RDF Table List for System OPSQA --------- ROW 1 OF 22 COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> PAGE OPTIONS: Browse Copy Delete Edit Free Insert Rename S(edit) Transfer Sel Table New Table ___ COLUMN ___________________________ ___ ABCXYGTBL ___________________________ ___ DCXA ___________________________ ___ DCYZSTC ___________________________

This panel lists all relational tables in use at your site and the system where each table resides.

When working with the Relational Table List panel, you can issue these primary commands from the command line:


Scrolls toward the bottom of the table list.


Scrolls toward the top of the table list.


Cancels all pending line commands and exits from this panel.