Previous Topic: Fields on the SSM Snapshot PanelNext Topic: Step 3: Review and Modify Your STCTBL_ACT Table

Step 2: Review and Customize the STCTBL Table

After you build the Snapshot table, SSM invokes the SQL table editor to let you view and customize the resulting table.

Your STCTBL table resembles the resource table in How SSM Works. The table contains data regarding the started tasks that the Snapshot facility found running on your system or contained in the specified or active SYSPARM.

For each row in STCTBL, perform these steps:

  1. Decide if you want SSM to control this started task. If not, delete the row from the table.
  2. Verify that the started task has the correct job name.
  3. Verify that the PREREQ column contains the correct prerequisite task names.
  4. Modify the TYPE column to fit your environment. Generally, the TYPE value that the Snapshot facility provides is suitable, but you may want to be more specific.

    For example, if you have several CICS regions that are defined in STCTBL, the Snapshot gives each region a type of CICS. You may prefer to group your production regions with a TYPE value of PRODCICS and give your test regions a TYPE value of TESTCICS.

  5. When you test SSM operation as discussed in Step F: Testing SSM Operation and Step G: Perform an IPL With SSM in this chapter, your testing environment can prohibit you from testing specified tasks such as VTAM or JES. In this case, change the MODE column value from ACTIVE to PASSIVE for those tasks that you want to leave out of your initial tests.
  6. Supply the correct IPL_STATE value that tells SSM how to handle this task after an IPL. The IPL_STATE column initiates the DESIRED_STATE column after an IPL. The following list describes the valid values for the IPL_STATE column:

    SSM starts the task at IPL.


    SSM does not start the task at IPL.


    Something outside of SSM starts the resource, but SSM manages the resource after it becomes active.

This step is complete when you tailor your STCTBL table for your environment.