Previous Topic: Step 2: Review and Customize the STCTBL TableNext Topic: Step 4: Auto-Enable Rules That Monitor Started Tasks

Step 3: Review and Modify Your STCTBL_ACT Table

The STCTBL_ACT table contains the correct START and STOP commands for the resources in your STCTBL (started task) table.

Follow these steps:

  1. Press Enter from the table editor primary panel (=2.6).

    The list of tables for editing displays.

  2. Review the default actions that the Snapshot facility creates for the ACTION_TEXT column. These default actions invoke one of the request rules or OPS/REXX programs that the following Base Product Components table describes:




A request rule that determines the current state of the started task. This EXEC runs when the current state is UNKNOWN and the desired state is set to some other value. SSMSTATE determines the actual state of the task and sets the current state value accordingly.


An OPS/REXX program that shuts down CICS regions.


An OPS/REXX program that shuts down a DB2 region.


An OPS/REXX program that shuts down JES2.


An OPS/REXX program that shuts down a NetView region.


An OPS/REXX program that passes up to three shutdown commands to stop a started task.


An OPS/REXX program that shuts down a VTAM region.


A request rule that sets the desired state to UP for those resources that had an IPL_STATE of IPL.

Various SSM related OPS/REXX programs including the above STOPCICS, STOPDB2, STOPJES2, STOPNETV, and STOPSTC are distributed as user modifiable samples located within your installed hlq.CCLXSAMP data set.

  1. Review the default resource control logic within these SSM samples (as well as other SSM* and SHUT* samples that reside in this same data set) to determine if they are needed within your SSM configuration. If so, copy them into your hlq.USER.REXX library.

    SSM issues the basic commands of START jobname or STOP jobname for all started tasks, and more specific commands will be issued for tasks defined under the ACTION_RES_TYPE column.

    For more information about STOPxxxx REXX programs, review the members in the OPS/REXX library.

This step is complete when your STCTBL_ACT table contains the correct START and STOP commands for the resources in your STCTBL (started task) table.