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Lesson 2: Test and Verify a Rule

This lesson shows you how to text and verify your new rule.

Follow these steps:

  1. Verify that the AOF Test Rule List panel displays.

    If not, proceed with the following instructions:

  2. Enable your rule by typing E to the left of the name of your rule and then press Enter.

    In response, two fields on the Rule List Panel change, as shown in the following example screen. This example shows how the panel looks after the changes. Notice that for the rule that is named IEF450I, the value in the Status field has changed to ENABLED and the value in the Typ field has changed to MSG. In addition, the message AOF RULE ENABLED appears in the upper-right corner of the panel.

    Note: For more information about enabling rules, see Lesson 5: How to Enable and Disable Rules and Rule Sets in this chapter.

    Note: If your rule contains syntax errors, the E command fails. If this failure happens, go back to the AOF panel and ensure that your REXX rule program is exactly like that shown in Lesson 1.

    AOF TEST - Rule List ------ USERID.TEST.RULES ---------------AOF RULE ENABLED COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> PAGE Line Commands: R EasyRule S ISPF Edit T Test C Compile V View E Enable D Disable A Set Auto-Enable Z Reset Auto-Enable X Delcomp Test Start Date : 2009/10/12 Test Start Time : 13:54:00 Test Current Date : 2009/10/12 Test Current Time: 13:54:00 RULENAME STATUS AE TYP VV.MM CREATED MODIFIED SIZE INIT MOD ID IEF450I ENABLED Y MSG 01.04 09/10/12 09/10/12 18:38 7 5 3 SYSADM

  3. Type T to the left of the name of the rule and press Enter.

    When you select a message rule for testing, the AOF takes you to the AOF Test MSG panel, which prompts you for information about the message rule you want to test. A sample panel appears in the next step. At the bottom of this panel, a portion of the OPSLOG is displayed.

  4. Enter the following command in the Command field:

    This command tells CA OPS/MVS to display the following information for each rule:

  5. Enter values on the AOF Test MSG panel:
  6. Press Enter.
  7. Examine the results of the test in the OPSLOG and when satisfied, press PF3 or type END on the command line.

Your rule is tested and verified.