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Lesson 1: Create a Rule Using the AOF

This first lesson shows you how to access the AOF edit facility and how to use AOF edit to create a suppression rule with the CA OPS/MVS own programming language, called OPS/REXX.

Follow these steps:

  1. Access the AOF from the OPSVIEW Primary Options Menu by entering 2.1 in the Option field.

    The AOF Edit Entry panel displays:

    AOF EDIT - Entry panel --- MSI1 --- OPSVIEW -------------------Subsystem OPSS COMMAND ===> RULE LIBRARY: PROJECT ===> USERID GROUP ===> TEST (* for all RULE SETs) TYPE ===> RULES MEMBER ===> (Blank for MEMBER selection list) OTHER PARTITIONED DATA SET: DATA SET NAME ===> --------------------------- AOF TEST DATA --------------------------------- (Blank all fields below in order to test with temporary data.) TEST DATA SET NAME: PROJECT ===> GROUP ===> TYPE ===> MEMBER ===> OTHER PARTITIONED DATA SET: DATA SET NAME ===>

  2. Specify which rule library to access by typing in the name of your test data set, leaving the Member field blank, and then press Enter.

    The corresponding AOF Test Rule List panel displays:

    AOF TEST - Rule List ------ USERID.TEST.RULES -------------------------------- COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> PAGE Line Commands: R EasyRule S ISPF Edit T Test C Compile V View E Enable D Disable A Set Auto-Enable Z Reset Auto-Enable X Delcomp Test Start Date : 2009/10/12 Test Start Time : 13:54:00 Test Current Date : 2009/10/12 Test Current Time: 13:54:00 RULENAME STATUS AE TYP VV.MM CREATED MODIFIED SIZE INIT MOD ID **END**

    Because this data set is empty, no rules are displayed. If there had been rules (members) in the data set, they would be displayed.

    Besides using this panel to select rules once they exist, you can also create a rule. CA OPS/MVS automatically creates a rule when you select it on the COMMAND line.

  3. Create a rule that suppresses system message IEF450I by typing S IEF450I on the command line. When you are finished press Enter.

    A rule named IEF450I is created and the AOF test edit panel appears:

    AOF TEST ----- USERID.TEST.RULES(IEF450I) - 01.00--------- COLUMNS 000 000 COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> PAGE ****** *************************** Top of Data **************************** '''''' ''''''

    The format of the AOF Test edit panel is nearly identical to the editing display of the ISPF/PDF editor. The two panels also function similarly.

    You use the panel to enter and create a REXX-based message suppression rule.

    For more information about rule names, see the AOF Rules User Guide.

  4. Enter the text of the REXX program that is your first suppression rule. Your program appears like the following example:

    AOF TEST ----- USERID.TEST.RULES(IEF450I) - 01.00--------- COLUMNS 000 000 COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> PAGE ****** **************************** Top of Data *************************** '''''' )MSG IEF450I '''''' )PROC '''''' RETURN 'SUPPRESS' '''''' ''''''

    This three-line REXX program is actually a rule that suppresses the system message IEF450I. A rule to suppress a different message would look like the one shown here, except a different message ID would appear in the first line of the rule.

  5. Enter END on the command line or press your PF3 key.

    Your rule is created.

Once you finish this part of Lesson 1, your rule is ready to test and verify. You accomplish these tasks by enabling it and applying several different CA OPS/MVS functions to it. You can do these tasks from the AOF Test Rule List panel as shown in Lesson 2.